Saturday, May 12, 2018
How to tell if your phone has a virus
Is your phone running slow & draining its battery? You may have a virus. Here's how to fix Android malware and viruses on iPhones in just a few easy steps:
Business builder, strategic marketer, security analyst, published author, television news correspondent, actor. Deliver presentations throughout the United States and Canada on identity theft protection and personal security. Work with Fortune 1000, IT and startups. Launching, branding, messaging, representation, m&a facilitator, SEO and media. Current private equity projects include dynamic biometrics, credit card platform multi-factor authentication, security investigations and telemarketing fraud mitigation. Specialties Appear in print, radio and televised media, on Today Show, CBS Early Show, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CNBC, E!THSi, Inside Edition, Tyra, Montel, Maury, Howard Stern, USA Today, Forbes, Cosmo, Good Housekeeping, Readers Digest, Consumer Digest, Smart Money, NY Times, NY Post, BOS Globe, LA Times, Wash Times, Wash Post, Chicago Trib, Atl Journal, MIA Herald, SF Chronicle, SEA Times, ABC, Maxim, CNet, CSO, TechRepublic, Search Security, Security Mgmt, AP, UPI, Reuters, and Entrepreneur.